American Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata) [ver-BEE-nah haas-TAH-tah]

Other Names Verbena hosata, Vervain, Verbena hastata (NGN)
Family Verbenaceae

This reliable, popular plant makes a great filler for containers and hanging baskets.

Available in a huge variety of colors and sometimes even two colors at a time, these blooms attract pollinators and persist through even the hottest, sunniest days of summer.

She simply can’t get too much sunshine!

Verbena can be cut back by one quarter to promote more blooms several times each summer, making it a long-flowering option after just a little attention.

Plant Data
I am a... Deciduous Perennial
Where to Find It Cup Plants are hard to miss in late summer, as they (and their yellow flowers) tower over the wetland on the north end of the property.
Why to Like Pretty purple flowers in late summer!
Mature Size 24 - 72 inches tall. 12 - 30 inches wide.
Sun Exposure Full Sun - Full Sun
Moisture Tolerance - Wet: Verbena tend to prefer good drainage.
Zones 3a - 8b
Tags Attracts Butterflies, Illinois Native, Non-Allergenic, Rabbit Resistant
Bloom Period July to September
Flower Color Purplish-Blue
Data Sheets
   In the Landscape Focused on the Plant Leaves Flowers Fruit Fall Leaf Winter Form

Photos: Google Image Search & Flickr

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