White Trout Lily (Erythronium albidum) air-ith-ROE-nee-um albidum

Other Names White Dog's-Tooth Violet
Family Liliaceae
Plant Data
I am a... Deciduous Perennial
Where to Find It White Trout Lily are common along the central path in the woods. There is an especially large patch south of the south spur.
How to Recognize It The delicate flowers are quite distinctive, as are the 1-2 elliptical leaves which are often mottled green and brown. If undisturbed for years, Trout Lilies will form large colonies.
Why to Like These native ephemerals have lovely nodding, delicate flowers. Foliage ranges from a blue/green to a very unusual mottled.
Mature Size 6 - 12 inches tall. 3 - 6 inches wide.
Sun Exposure Full Shade - Partial Shade
Moisture Tolerance Medium :
Zones 3a - 8b
Tags Spring Ephemeral
Bloom Period April
Flower Color White With Yellow
Data Sheets
   In the Landscape Focused on the Plant Leaves Flowers Fruit Fall Leaf Winter Form

Photos: Google Image Search & Flickr