American Hazelnut (Corylus americana) KOR-ih-lus ah-mer-ih-KAY-nah

Family Betulaceae

Plant Data
I am a... Deciduous Perennial Shrub
Where to Find It There is a big Hazelnut bush near the intersection of the paths just into the woods.
Why to Like Many animals (and people) enjoy the nuts. Fall color can be very nice.
Mature Size 8 - 15 feet tall. 8 - 15 feet wide.
Growth Rate Rapid
Moisture Tolerance Widely Adaptable
Zones 4a - 9b
Tags Shrubs Edible Nut Trees, Fast Growing Trees, Small Trees, Wildlife Trees, Bareroot Shrubs, Edible Nuts
Bloom Period March to April
Flower Color Male - Brown, Female - Red
Foliage Color
Data Sheets
   In the Landscape Focused on the Plant Leaves Flowers Fruit Fall Leaf Winter Form

More Photos: Google Image Search & Flickr

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