Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) Juglans NY-grah

Family Juglandaceae
Plant Data
I am a... Deciduous Perennial Tree
Where to Find It There is a black walnut off the paths toward the southwest corner of the woods.
How to Recognize It The trees are easy to recognize when their large (almost platform tennis ball-sized) green fruit (containing the "walnut" we recognize at its core) mature during the summer. These walnuts can be messy as they fall and are consumed on the ground. Black Walnut leaves are pinnately compound, with 15-23 leaflet arranged on the stem. They are among the last trees to leaf out in spring, and first to drop their leaves in fall. Leaves are pungent when rubbed or crushed. Male plants produce long, 3-4" catkins.
Why to Like This large native tree growing to 100 feet tall, was one of the most important forest trees in the Midwest prior to the arrival of European settlers. the Black Walnut has long been prized for furniture-making, which greatly reduced native wild populations. The "nuts" are harvested for commercial sale, and are enjoyed by animals like squirrels which spread the species by hoarding and burying the nuts. The trees keep the areas around them clear by creating a natural substance called juglone which inhibits the growth of -- or kills -- many nearby plants.
Mature Size 50 - 70 feet tall. 50 - 70 feet wide.
Growth Rate Rapid
Moisture Tolerance Medium : Moderate
Zones 4a - 9b
Bloom Period May to June
Flower Color Yellowish-Green
Animals That Use It



Data Sheets
   In the Landscape Focused on the Plant Leaves Flowers Fruit Fall Leaf Winter Form

Photos: Google Image Search & Flickr

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