Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea) [glay-KOE-mah hed-er-AY-see-ah]

Why Like This tolerant invasive spreads quickly both in your lawn and in the woods. It does have pretty purple flowers in May.
Plant Data
I am a... Deciduous Perennial
Where to Find It Creeping Charlie is tolerant of a bit of shade, but it thrives where there the forest has been disturbed. It's growing in a few places at the south end of the woods near the central path.
How to Recognize It Pretty purple flowers appear in clusters of three in late April & May on this vinelike plant with stacks of opposite kidney-shaped dark green (sometimes tinted purple) serrated leaves with rounded teeth. Plants are attached together with a fibrous root system. Has a somewhat minty smell when mowed or crushed.
Why to Like Creeping Charlie is durable, and has pretty purple flowers in May. It's also edible, and can be used in salads. Con: it's durable, and pretty invasive!
   In the Landscape Focused on the Plant Leaves Flowers Fruit Fall Leaf Winter Form

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