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Crow Island Woods in August

The Ox-Eye Sunflower, Jewelweed, and Joe Pye Weed bloom in the woods in August. Lots of flowers, including Cardinal Flowers, Wild Bergamot, Purple Loosestrife are blooming in the prairie.

Lobelia Cardinalis, in bloom
Blue Cardinal Flower
Flowers of Wild Bergamot
Flowers of Lobelia Cardinalis
Flowers of False Sunflower
Blue Cardinal Flower
Blue Cardinal Flower
Seeds of Pokeweed
Wild Bergamot
Purple Loosestrife, in bloom
Flowers of Purple Loosestrife
Jewelweed, in bloom
Blue Cardinal Flower
Bald Cypress
 Oxeye Sunflower
Blue Cardinal Flower
Blue Vervain, in bloom
Flowers of Purple Coneflower
Wild Bergamot
Flowers of Butterfly Weed
Purple Coneflower
Crown Vetch, in bloom
Wild Senna, in bloom
Oxeye Sunflower, in bloom
Oxeye Sunflower, in bloom
Flowers of Cup Plant
Flower of Orange Jewelweed
Wild Bergamot, Queen Anne's Lace
Purple Coneflower
Wild Senna, in bloom
Bald Cypress
Oxeye Sunflower
Purple Loosestrife, in bloom
Purple Loosestrife, in bloom
Flowers of Yellow Coneflower
Joe Pye Weed, Ox-Eye Sunflower
Cup Plant, in bloom
 Cup Plant (in bloom) can grow to well over 8 feet tall by the end of summer.
Flowers of Crown Vetch
Wild Senna
Oxeye Sunflower
Cup Plant, in bloom
Cup Plant, in bloom

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